Random encounter…

I met this girl wearing one of our skins, looking gorgeous in it. I complimented her, and she said, she likes the skin very much. She also said to be quite picky, so I am twice charmed that she is happy with the skin.
She gave me this picture, and I hope to get more.

random encounter


Blog for Ryba Design!

Blog for Ryba Design!

Ryba Design is looking for some dedicated bloggers to join the team. If you’re interested please send a notecard to Kenzo Ryba, Director or Josie Decuir, PR Manager, with your blog, flickr, and feeds. High quality pictures are a must!

Flickr Group – https://www.flickr.com/groups/rybadesign/

Ryba Design starts Blogging

Ryba Design is a label in Second Life  (often referred to as SL, a virtual world started 10 years ago, join here: http://secondlife.com/)
Since everybody who looks at our products tells me how much they like them, but so few people know about them, we start this blog now.
We offer nice skins with a special glow imbued, free Lola appliers available, Slink appliers coming soon…
Fashion, mostly but not only Gorean, and interesting stuff for Petites.